
Inspiration 11.

This month has been VERY hectic so far- school projects, tests, wedding plans, cleaning house, working on a yard that apparently hasn't been taken care of in a decade..... and the list goes on.

I've made a bit of time to go look at my favorite blogs today, but only because I've been really productive! Here's what I found:

colorful notes

a bunny that reminds me of my metallic militia

signs of spring

glitter girl

a wonderful bracelet

great advice

pretty powder

desire to wear a headscarf

a fabulous outfit

and maximalist decor. 

Where do you go for inspiration?



11 things.

Meagan from Life of a Gypsy (go check her out!) challenged me to write a post of 11 random things about me, so here we go.

1. I hate stickers, bandaids, and gum that's been chewed. Related: I can only chew gum while it has flavor, then I get really grossed out.

2.  Barney's New York is my favorite store to go in.  I love that it's so open and everyone is extremely helpful.  If I'm getting discouraged about school or my future career, the dream of having my entire wardrobe from Barney's is my encouragement. Yes, I know how vain that sounds.

3. If I was still as passionate about education as I was as a child, I would want to study quantum physics.  I love watching documentaries and reading books about waves and time travel (not just dreamy time travel, but how it could work.) The thought of other dimensions is one of my favorite things. I think I imagined heaven as the 10th dimension before I even thought of the pearly gates and streets of gold.

4. I've saved every card I've gotten during college and have them glued in a journal called "The Love Book."

5. I used to save all of my magazines, but now have reduced it to only saving Nylon, Vogue Collections, and every September issue of Vogue.

6. I'm fascinated with family history.  Probably because I grew up hearing mine, and it's pretty amazing. Remind me to blog about it sometime, ok?

7. I can't remember a time when we didn't have a cat.

8. Every cat we got to name has had a name of a previous King or Queen or been a character off of Cats. Except the one cat I got to name- Sissy.  Pretty appropriate for a 5 year old who didn't have a sister. We've adopted two adult cats who already had names- Bella and Clancy. 

9.  If I could only travel to one place, it would be India.  I am so passionate about Indian culture and I want to be immersed in it!

10.  Some of my favorite people are under the age of 8 or over the age of 60.

11. I'm obsessed with time and numbers. I think it's the same thing that causes my strange love for quantum physics.  I remember numbers by how they're added up (714-7 times 2 is 14, etc.) 

That's it!! Now I want Hayley to write her 11 things!! She's just starting up her blog- you should check it out!



Day 4.

Today Michael moved all of his clothes in- a huge step.  His closet is twice as packed as mine, and mine is at capacity.  The closets in the rent house are half the size of any closet either of us have ever had.  I had two closets full.  His clothes overflowed from his large closet into his room.

Don't ever buy us clothes without asking my permission. We have zero room.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Michael was getting ready to stay there for the night.  He's moving in now and I'm waiting until after the wedding.  So we got his clothes situated, borrowed some towels from my house, went to Lowes for the 87198570329864th time, and bought some Pop-Tarts for him to eat. Because you can totally survive on strawberry Pop-Tarts.

We got back to the house, exhausted.  I was very ready to go home and get some sleep.  But, of course, life never goes that well planned.

Michael left his keys at his old house.  Across town.  Where Nanna was not where she could let us in to get the keys because she was grocery shopping.  Of course.

Two long, grouchy hours later, we had the keys, I dropped him off and finally got back to my parent's house where I took the longest bath of my life and went to bed.


Day 3.

Today we moved lots and lots of big furniture. Let me rephrase that- Michael had to work, Mom is in Canada visiting, so Dad and I moved lots and lots of big furniture.

Now, if you've seen me lately, you know that my arms are not muscular.  And if you know me at all you know that "athletic" is not one of the top 10 (read "top 1000") words that describe me.  So our morning from 8 till 12 went something like this.

Dad: "I don't want you to hurt yourself.  We can wait until Michael gets off to get the really big furniture."
          (note: have I ever mentioned that The Couch is 9 feet long and extremely over sized?) 
Me: "Dad. I used to work at a furniture store. I did this all the time. Really, don't worry about me."

Lift. Lift. Lift. Pull as hard as I can. The Couch has yet to leave the floor.

Repeat for the love seat, dresser, solid side table, boxes, and headboard.

Needless to say, I was very thankful when Michael and his cousin Chance got off work so they could help with the lifting.  Then I got to arrange the kitchen cabinets with enough dishes to feed the whole town, which is all I really wanted to do anyways.

By the way, we vacuumed and mopped again today, if you were wondering.



Adventures of a First Time Housewife. Day 2.

Last night, after M and I got our first set of house keys (yay!) we instantly started cleaning.  We had no water, so it was mainly vacuuming and mopping with the swiffer.  So my wonderful fiance vacuumed the entire house with me following closely with the swiffer, wondering why I had to change the cover twice a room because it was getting so nasty.  We were both grouchy and seriously having buyers remorse because the floor was so grungy- isn't it funny what can totally push you over the edge and make you second guess things when when you're tired? 

Well, today Mom reminds me of one thing that we inconveniently forgot- the brushes can't be on when you vacuum solid floors. We have hardwood style vinyl.  The whole time Michael was working hard, he was actually just throwing dirt behind him!!! 

As Kristin Chenoweth said on Rosie, "We have to laugh or we'll cry." I definitely laughed at our moment of forgetfulness.  I wasn't with Michael when the fiasco happened, but he may have cried.  

Today, i vacuumed the floor again and mopped. I only had to change the cover twice for the whole house. Much better. 

xo_vw(soon to be s)