
Adventures of a First Time Housewife. Day 2.

Last night, after M and I got our first set of house keys (yay!) we instantly started cleaning.  We had no water, so it was mainly vacuuming and mopping with the swiffer.  So my wonderful fiance vacuumed the entire house with me following closely with the swiffer, wondering why I had to change the cover twice a room because it was getting so nasty.  We were both grouchy and seriously having buyers remorse because the floor was so grungy- isn't it funny what can totally push you over the edge and make you second guess things when when you're tired? 

Well, today Mom reminds me of one thing that we inconveniently forgot- the brushes can't be on when you vacuum solid floors. We have hardwood style vinyl.  The whole time Michael was working hard, he was actually just throwing dirt behind him!!! 

As Kristin Chenoweth said on Rosie, "We have to laugh or we'll cry." I definitely laughed at our moment of forgetfulness.  I wasn't with Michael when the fiasco happened, but he may have cried.  

Today, i vacuumed the floor again and mopped. I only had to change the cover twice for the whole house. Much better. 

xo_vw(soon to be s) 


meawhitbrown said...

LOVE! I'm sad that Michael worked so hard, and it had to be redone :( But yay for your new home! It looks so cute!

Victoria Searcy said...

You need to come over and see!!!!