
Do Something Different.

Today, or tomorrow, or all week, do something differently than how you usually do.

Always make your bed? Leave it unmade.  Always leave it? Make it up.

Always wear make up? Go natural.  Never wear it? Wake up 10 minutes early and put on some mascara.

Always wear Norts and a tee to class? Try dressing up.

Carry a different bag.  Talk to someone new.  Don't get on any social networking sites.  Talk to someone new.  Hug someone.  Tell someone you love them that you don't usually.

Anything.  Just change up your pattern.  You never know how you will like the change, and maybe it will permanently change the way you think.



meawhitbrown said...

I dressed up today. Look out, world.

Victoria Searcy said...

shut it. I'm so proud of you!